Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Next time in Jerusalem

Next time in Jerusalem

How a 48-year-old out-of-shape businessman got fit to run the New York marathon, and why he thinks you should go for it too.

I ran the New York marathon on Sunday, my first, at 48. A short sentence that does nothing to convey either the agonies or the highs of the day. As often happens in these situations, there was a catalyst to my decision, a conversation with a customer, Helen Bull, who was setting up a charity and wanted some assistance. The cause was noble, the prospect somewhat enticing; who hasn’t watched the marathon live or on TV and not fantasized about participating? Well, at 48, you are fast approaching the unassailable fact that if you don’t get on with it now, you probably never will. So, full of bravado and good intent, I signed up. That was six months ago.

The first part was quite fun. I hired a trainer and got going on the hills and downs of Clifton, Bristol, where I work. My executive lifestyle involves much travel, and in truth I had gained some unwanted pounds over the years. So the initial weight loss and rapid progress served to reinforce the wisdom of my decision.

Then the niggling injuries begin, and the early excitement wears a bit thinner as the temperature drops and the rain starts. The hills at 6 a.m., wonderfully depicted in all movies with great soundtracks playing and the lighting just right, are not quite as attractive or rewarding in real life. Still, I persevered; the sponsorship money had begun to flow in, and was being put to excellent use on a daily basis. There was no backing out now.

As the big day approached, I have to admit to wondering whether I was good enough, whether I was up to it. The niggles in knees and achilles were more pronounced and my body was beginning to complain about the new strains I was putting on it. I did my last training run of any length three weeks before the big day, and having got to 22 miles, convinced myself I would at least finish.

The posh English headmistress would not allow the kids to accompany me (I know, I shouldn’t have even asked). So with wife and mother-in-law in tow, off we set. The other runners on the flight out were a really scary sight – lithe, toned and clearly ready for the off. In contrast, I was beginning to panic.

They say that in life you have to stick with what you are good at, and for 48 hours in New York, I found what I was good at. Or should I say I rediscovered it. I refer, of course, to the carb loading, ensuring that your body has all of the fuel it needs to get through. Except, in my case, the pounds gained as a result of this eleventh-hour stock-up made the schlepping round the course all the more difficult.

Before you have the race, you must do the obligatory Marathon Expo – an enormous event in Manhattan’s Jacob Javitz Convention Center where you come to register and pick up your electronic shoe tag and bib number. Here you consider buying a ticket for all of the other events going on, wonder whether you will partake of the free Dunkin’ Donuts coffee all day for runners, and then quietly and obediently empty your pockets and challenge your credit card limits in favor of vendors selling you running accessories you had no idea existed or, in my case, even knew how to use.

THE BIG day dawned. Five-thirty a.m. pick up from the hotel for a 10.40 a.m. start. That is the only way to gather 45,000 runners and to overcome soon-to-beclosed New York road systems.

It was absolutely freezing, so cold you could hear your teeth chatter. The hat and gloves bought on Friday on the streets of New York did their best, but what do you want for 10 bucks?

This being the US, three helicopters and a plane hovered overhead. The crowd waved enthusiastically – keen to see themselves on the evening news. The banner trailing from the plane read, “Breathe in and appreciate the moment.” I am never quite sure about the cheesiness of some of the US sayings, but at that moment, overwhelmed by fear, it worked a treat for me.

And then came one of those life-affirming sights that you often get as a Jew: A sign on the top of an opensided tent that said “Shacharit 8.15 a.m.” And davening inside, amid all the people in tefilin and running gear, there was that special bonding atmosphere – Jews from everywhere, drawn together for a common purpose, and knowing that you probably knew their sister- in-law’s cousin without even having to go through the process of discovery. That was the positive Jewish experience.

In contrast, as we weaved our way through the five boroughs, the more religious Jewish areas were noteworthy less for the ethnic diversity than, unfortunately, for the sense that the hasidim were unfriendly bordering on hostile; perhaps it was because of the women runners being dressed in shorts? The support, encouragement and cheering elsewhere was not to be found in the religious areas such as Williamsburg. What a shame – a lost opportunity, taken by all of their neighbors, for a big impression to be made. The gospel singers by the side of the road, dressed in their Sunday best, so obviously full of life and love, made for a sharp, positive contrast – in a reaching out, handsacross- the-nation, one world kind of a way. The hasidim need a new PR agent, I think.

Anyway, no more negativity. The two million New Yorkers who take to the streets and encourage you are really inspiring. I had taken the advice of those who went before me and had my name and city of origin printed on my T-shirt, as well as the cause for which I was running. And when the cramp kicked in, during Mile 18 – the notorious “wall” – the encouragement made a big difference, I can tell you. A cute girl holding a “Proud of You, Total Random Stranger” banner can have a very uplifting effect when you need it most.

As I ran, I thought of Helen, who ran the marathon last year riddled with cancer and with the aid of two Macmillan nurses. As I felt the pain, I thought of the bravery of Helen battling the course. I thought that if she could this, with such health challenges, then these pains for me should be nothing. She inspired me to be brave and push through, however much I wanted to give up.

Aside from some very fast chaps from Ethiopia and Kenya, almost everyone was running for a reason, a cause that they believed in. As I ran, I watched the other runners – not for insights into technique, but to see what causes they were running for. They came from the far corners of the world. And they brought supporters with them too, urging them on with homemade signs that had taken time and thought to create. There was something of the positivity of humanity here that you couldn’t help being overwhelmed by at times. The strangers in the poorest areas handing you a tissue or a candy – that is what I will carry with me.

IT IS an incredible day: Random strangers becoming best friends. Going to the very edge of exhaustion but refusing to give in to it. And the feeling when you limp through the finish line – to get the medal, and the foil blanket, and the obligatory Prime Grill steak dinner – make it a day you will never forget. And no matter that I missed out, by five minutes, on the target I had set myself: 4 hours, 45 minutes; the Monday New York Times publishes the names of all runners who beat it.

Since finishing I have discovered that Jerusalem is hosting a marathon for the first time in March. I might currently be on a high and somewhat irrational, but I look forward to meeting readers there – either watching or as fellow runners. Take my advice, give it a go.

The writer, who lives in London, is the managing director of Harding Brothers, a specialist cruise line concessionaire that runs the gift shops on 54 of the world’s most luxurious cruise ships. Married to Jacqui, with daughters Emily and Gabriella, he has been improving his fitness over the past couple of years and always packs his trainers when visiting his offices in Sydney and Fort Lauderdale.

He ran to raise funds for The Magic Wand Foundation, a special fund within the UK’s Willow Foundation that grants special days to adults with terminal cancer. The fund was set up Helen Bull, a customer of his, who has run several marathons since being diagnosed with cancer.