In a land rich with history, culture and tradition, new developments continue to give travelers a fresh perspective each time they take a tour to Israel.
Over the past decade, one of the most prevalent new developments in Israel has been the growing number of wineries. In a land that was among the earliest regions to produce wine, Israel wineries have sprung up so quickly that 85% of the country’s current wineries were founded in the last ten years!
The rebirth of the Israel wine industry presents an exciting opportunity for travelers to explore the breathtaking regions of Gaililee, the Judean Hills, Shimshon, the Negev desert region and the Sharon Plain while sampling a wide variety of Israeli wines, many of which are kosher.
According to Robert Parker, a highly influential American wine advocate who has reviewed wines from over 40 Israeli wineries, you don’t want to miss these 5 wines on your next Israel tour:
• Red 2003 Yatir Forest: This wine is made by the Yatir Winery in Tel Arad. Located west of the Dead Sea, the Yatir Winery grows its own grapes on 100 acres of vineyards. Varieties include Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Cabernet, Merlot, Petit Verdot, Syrah, Malbec, Carignan, Tempranillo, Mourvedre and Viognier.
• 2005 Gewurztraminer Heights Wine Yarden: This dessert wine is made by the Goaln Heights Winery, one of the largest wineries in Israel. Each year, The Golan Heights Winery produces six million bottles of wine from its 1,600 acres of vineyards.
• Grand Vin: This wine, described by Parker as “beautiful” and “bursting with flavor” is made by Domaine Du Castel. Domaine Du Castel is a family-owned and operated vineyard located in the Judean Hills. Two other highly regarded wines from this 30-year-old winery include:
o Petit Castel: Described by Parker as “impeccably balanced”.
o Blanc du Castel: Parker’s favorite dry white wine.
Of course, a number of Israeli wines are receiving rave reviews from critics and tourists alike. Try them for yourself! Visit or call 1-800-223-3855 to find out more about touring the beautiful Vineyards in Israel.